City : Scottsdale
Venue : Virginia G. Piper Theater
Address : Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, 7380 E 2nd St Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Time : 2:00pm and 5:00pm
Founded by legendary jazz pianist William “Count” Basie in 1935, online The Count Basie Orchestra is one of the greatest big bands in history. Celebrating its 80th anniversary, this high-octane group continues to uphold the legacy of Basie’s “Kansas City Swing.” Now under the leadership of Scotty Barnhart and featuring vocalist Carmen Bradford, the band is a dynamic mix of new and longtime members, including several handpicked by Basie himself. This holiday-themed concert features swinging songs of the season.
4-Show: Save $4 on each single ticket when you buy four or more eligible shows in one order.
Member: Duet members and above save $6 off single premium tickets and get better seats when available. Member tickets are not available online; call 480-499-TKTS (8587) to join and order tickets.