Florida Jazz & Blues Festival


City : Tallahassee
Venue : Amphitheater, Cascades Park
Address : 1001 S Gadsden St, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Time : TBC

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The Florida Jazz and Blues Festival is what this community has been waiting for since Cascades Park was rebirthed. The festival planning team, which includes two-time Grammy winner and jazz trumpeter Scotty Barnhart, is poised to leverage creative marketing, targeted outreach, global contacts, and local legendary historical context to “make this one of the premiere festivals in the world,” as Barnhart, the current director of the Legendary Count Basie Orchestra, noted recently. He went on to note, “Seriously. I’m looking forward to making this happen and using every resource at my disposal.” Using Tallahassee and Leon County as a central point and the capital to the great state of Florida, the festival planning team plans to reach far and wide inviting those to come visit our community, stay with us a couple of days, and witness some unforgettable experiences through jazz and blues; experiences that some might never witness again. As Scotty reminds us in his words, actions, and travels, the success of this festival has little to do with geography and everything to do with the potential talent that will collide during this special time that we have planned.